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Ever heard of StoryGraph?
It's a hot alternative to Goodreads and black-owned! Meet the team here. Some features that stand out include:
- It's free!
- Available in browser OR download the app! Need help? Check here.
- Buddy Reads! Share your thoughts with a friend and follow each other's progress through books you are reading together
- Live Read Along! For the public, or in private you can start a forum to engage fellow readers reading at the same time. Unlock new discussion topics as you read or host one yourself and provide a safe space for other to engage
- Graphically-pleasing reading data! See your wrap ups monthly or annually in a variety of visuals like pie charts, graphs, calendar page progress, and more
- Quarter and half points for ratings! Not exactly a 4, but maybe a 4.5 star read?
- Giveaways, Challenges, and Community Events!
With no direct ties to amazon, you can still import your Goodreads profile in its entirety upon creating an account. You won't have to manually input or start over!
You can add me as a friend, if you like!
Now that you know a little about the platform, join us for a Read Along:
The Fourth Wing
by Rebecca Yarros
Forum questions and discussions will unlock as you track your progress through your reading journal so you will not be exposed to anything you have not read yet. This is a public forum that is open to all StoryGraph users! Make an account and tune in when you are ready.
~ Be kind ~ Be thoughtful ~ This is a safe space for everyone <3
And More...
⭐️ Octavia "Unhinged" Grant ⭐️
✨ What's missing from the 2025 TBR list? ✨